Why you should make a Crisis Box
In times of distress it becomes difficult to focus or bring yourself out of that pit of despair.
The thing is: Only you can bring yourself out of it.
I don't believe in the "one size fits all" kind of mentality that is going around today. I believe that when you battle with mental health, no two cases are the same. I enjoy finding creative outlets, for example. Someone else may just want to block out the world for a while.
There is no "right" way...Only your way.
With that in mind, creating a "Crisis box" for times such as these is an ideal to anyone who suffers with mental illness or prone to low mood. It enables you to create your own support system and remind yourself of ways that help you cope in your own way.
But What is a Crisis Box?
A Crisis Box is a box you turn to when you feel like you are in a crisis (Stating the obvious here!). You fill it with items that remind you how you cope through the storm and come out of the other side. Some counsellors recommend creating this box to deter the feeling of self-harm or suicide.
So What do I put in it?
Well, that depends.
What makes you happy?
What helps you cope?
What takes your mind off the racing thoughts???
What items will remind you of things to do?
Here are a few examples:
- Bar of chocolate (Raise your blood sugar levels...at least that's my excuse!).
- Earphones (For Music).
- A phone number of someone to speak to.
- Favourite Film
- A letter from yourself
- Some pictures of happy memories
- A list of ideas of things to do (I use my Liberation challenge!)
Think about things you enjoy doing. For example, I enjoy using my scrapbook as a creative outlet so I would put a paintbrush in there.
(I would also put lipstick in there...I always feel better when I decide to make-over myself)
If you play the guitar, put a guitar pick in there.
If you just need to keep yourself busy, write a list of things to do to keep in there.
Try and get all the senses in there (Sight, Smell, Sound, Taste and Touch)
Try and get all the senses in there (Sight, Smell, Sound, Taste and Touch)
It's what works for you to allow you to cope.
(Disclaimer - Wouldn't recommend keeping cats in a box)
What size box should I get?
Honestly, it doesn't matter. It can be small enough to just hold a key to a quiet room, or it can be so big you can get inside and create your own hideaway! Whatever works for you.
What will you put in your box?
A post I wrote to help inspire ideas of items to include in your personal box.