Why I'm not Ashamed

22:40 Unknown 0 Comments

If you haven't seen the hash-tag "I'm not Ashamed", Check this profile out.

Instead of hiding away from a mental health illness, a twitter user has decided it is time to stand up. To allow us to come together instead of hiding our illness. To turn around to the world and announce "Yes, I have a mental illness...

...And I am not Ashamed".


If physical health was treated like mental health.

21:26 Unknown 0 Comments

When you have a mental illness, reaching out and facing up to it can be terrifying. Admitting it to friends and family can be just as scary.
Whilst many are lucky and have a good supportive structure around them, some have to deal with small minded comments. Sure they may have good intentions, but people that have never experienced mental health won't be able to understand how frustrating and upsetting some comments sound.


Why you should make a Crisis Box

17:59 Unknown 0 Comments

In times of distress it becomes difficult to focus or bring yourself out of that pit of despair.
The thing is: Only you can bring yourself out of it.


20 Ways to feel free (The Liberation Challenge!)

17:52 Unknown 6 Comments

It struck me that we all aim for a feeling of freedom.


5 things that need to stop being taboo in this day and age!

16:20 Unknown 6 Comments

It's the year 2016, yet there are still people getting discriminated against for reasons that have no logic whatsoever...

I cannot fathom why there is still stigma in this day and age. Things that are completely normal, natural and so common are reasons why people are getting kicked down and made to feel isolated by the world.


Stand together against Mental Health with me.

21:02 Unknown 0 Comments

My name is Pipsty and I have both studied and experienced first hand mental health. I currently have depression and anxiety.
And I am not ashamed of myself!


The reason I made the leap of faith (and why you should too)

19:24 Unknown 0 Comments

Something that drives me crazy is how we follow what society sees as success instead of following our own goals. Society tells us that we need some form of education, a shiny career with a fancy office and a perfect family.


10 people that prove we need to stop obsessing over selfies

16:42 Unknown 7 Comments

Before I begin this post, let me make one thing clear:

I also take Selfies!


Epitaph for Jonathan Poundall

22:04 Unknown 2 Comments

This is the tribute I never got to give at your funeral: