Stand together against Mental Health with me.

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My name is Pipsty and I have both studied and experienced first hand mental health. I currently have depression and anxiety.
And I am not ashamed of myself!

Now studying it is one thing, but I have found there are many things you can never be trained to know.

Like the fear of saying something wrong and having it haunt you for a period of time after.

Stand up for Anxiety

Like dreading having to go outside when all you want to do is hide away from the world.

Stand up for Depression

We all know there are many more features that come with Mental Health.

Not to mention the discrimination.

Having to hide away.

Pretending everything is fine.

It drives me crazy!

We have enough going on without everyone acting like WE are in the wrong!

Did you know roughly around 350 million people currently suffer from depression? 

Yet we still hide away.


Because of stigma.


Because they don't understand.


Because we need to raise awareness.

Whether you suffer from mental health or not, awareness has to be raised. 
We lose too many people to suicide.
Too many people are scarred up and down their bodies.
Too many people are battling their own mind daily.

And who do we turn to when we feel we need help?

Doctors, Nurses, Psychiatrists, Counsellors, Friends, Family.

Whilst this is the best we can do, it shouldn't be.
I've found it easier to cope the more open I am.
If people get uncomfortable, then I know they are not the kind of people I should trust.

Because mental health is completely normal.

There is no health without mental health.
Some days are easier than others, that's for sure.

But whilst we hide away from the world and plaster on that smile to stop others feeling uncomfortable, the world becomes more ignorant of how to understand.

So please, stand up.

If others want to comment on mental health, speak up.

If others want to judge you for your coping mechanisms, explain why.

If you can't explain, tell them you can't.

Reach out!

Tell people how it feels.

Explain why you want to stay indoors.

Detail how people could help you if they so wish.

At the end of the day, I get inspired by people with mental health.

We struggle so much just to make it through any kind of situation and we still function. 
We still breathe.
Whilst it may not seem like much, every day is an achievement.
We could have given up, but we made it through.

The scars are our tiger stripes and we fucking earnt them.

Experience life.
Don't just survive, live.
Do what makes you happy.
And please...

Know you are not alone.
You are loved.
You are an incredible unique individual.
A goddamn soldier.

I am still here,
You are still here,
WE are still here

We are in this together.
And I love you.

(No, not like high school musical...We are better than that)