Keeping your head above water
So it's been a while...
I've been focusing on my Mental health the past few months, so it's safe to say I've learnt a few things about fighting a battle when you already feel defeated. At first, I'll admit I was adamant I wouldn't make it this far as I thought the depression dog had bit too hard this time. Slowly but surely I am proving myself wrong by finding my feet again. It hasn't been an easy process and I'm definitely not out of the clear yet...but the hope is beginning to return. For me, that's a huge improvement.
The reason I have decided to write about this is to show that even when you hit the floor, you CAN still get back up. It's true what they say, things do get better...but you have to remember you are in charge of your life and your happiness. Meaning you have to make the changes to make your own hope.
My friend has a theory about recovering from depression.
Imagine a tree, and at the very top of this tree is the most amazing fruit you have ever seen. It's all you want, but you know you cannot reach it at the moment. So the best thing to do is to look at the low hanging fruit. Those you can reach .
The low hanging fruit are your small victories such as simply getting out of bed, cooking instead of a ready meal or reaching out to a friend. Simply doing one thing you didn't do the day before.
Each small victory gets you higher up the tree.
So find your small task, and don't be afraid to take pride in your achievement. You did something you told yourself to do. You took control. No matter how insignificant the goal seems at the moment, just stick with it.
These "insignificant" victories will keep your head above water.